So What’s the Plan?

It’s all been a bit slow moving so far…

Here’s Plan A

Get a printer and print things.


Here’s Plan B – you gotta have a plan B.

Run a kickstarter campaign, get a printer and print things..

Good plan, but nearly half kickstarter campaigns fail, and this is already Plan B, so lets  divide Plan B up a bit.

  1. Go and talk to loads of people about 3D printers.
    CHECK.  Been to lots of training.
  2. Pick a printer.
    This changes all the time, but currently settled on the Flashforge Creator Pro
  3. Design some lovely things.
    CHECK – started with a necklace inspired by a painting, currently working on moon and mars bracelets.  Lots more in the pipeline.
  4. Get products printed to take photos for the kickstarter.
    This is where we are.  One thing printed, need more…
  5. Make a video with the 3Dmigos team for the campaign. (get a haircut first)
  6. Finally launch the Kickstarter campaign raise the funds for the printer.
  7. Get a printer and print things.

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